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Special Sardinia


Tariff at the bottom of cards!

BADDE DORONE' (dry canyoning)


Rope descents: no 7 - max. 12 metres

Altitude difference: 300 m uphill (D+), 300 m downhill (D-)

Required technical experience:
Personal equipment: approach shoes or hiking boots (trekking), spare shoes, long and short pants, T-shirt, windbreaker (twenty), day backpack (max 20 liters), 2/3 liters of water, sunscreen, sunglasses.

Personal technical equipment:
Helmet, harness, headlamp, if in possession (to those without will be provided by the Mountain Guide).

In the Supramonte of Oliena, in the valley of Lanaitho, not far from the archaeological ruins of the nuragic village of Tiscali, there is the gorge of Badde Doroné.
The abseils of this gorge, lend themselves to an easy introduction to verticality even for beginners but no less suggestive than other gorges.
The beauty of the geological conformations, and the almost ancient specimens of junipers and holm oaks that surround the walls, make the site a fairy tale.

Route - From the parking lot for the tourist visit to Tiscali, located at the bottom of the Lanaitho valley, the excursion begins by going up the path that reaches the village, which for its particularity is worth a visit.
Returning briefly back on our steps, we climb a saddle that separates the top of Mount Tiscali (518 m) from Punta Doroné (517 m).
Following the next downhill ridge we reach the mouth of the gorge with a first descent of 12 meters.
From here a succession of descents and walks on the bottom of the dry stream lead us to the Voragine di Tiscali wonder of nature that we will visit.
Now our tour could be interrupted by taking us on the normal path, instead we will continue in the Troccos de Corrojos, which intersects the Badde Doroné and after three short descents in a few minutes we will reach the parking lot.
SU GORROPU integrale


Rope descents: 3 - max. 15 metres

Altitude difference: 200 m uphill (D+), 1000 m downhill (D-)

Required technical experience:
route 1 - average hiker with good fitness
Route 2 - experienced hiker with good fitness

Personal equipment: approach shoes or hiking boots (trekking), long and short pants, T-shirt, windbreaker (twenty), day backpack (max 20 liters), 2/3 liters of water, sunscreen, sunglasses.

Personal technical equipment:
Helmet, harness, headlamp, if in possession (to those without will be provided by the Mountain Guide).

Gorropu or Gorroppu is a deep gorge (canyon) located in the center of the Supramonte between the villages of Dorgali, Urzulei and Orgosolo.
The wide gorge enclosed by imposing walls presents a unique environment covered with a wild beauty.
The integral crossing of Gorropu is a real adventure in the heart of the Supramonte following the course of the Riu Flumineddu.
Route 1 -  From the mountain pass of Ghenna 'e Silana (1017 meters) that we reach with the taxi service, we start the steep ascent of the path that leads to Punta Poloche (1221 m). With a traverse on ancient tracks, deviate the route avoiding the top and reaching the ridge that connects it to Punta Cucuttos (893 m) at about 1160 m. Along the ridge the horizon extends throughout the Supramonte and towards the sea and the coasts of the Dorgalese.Before reaching the end of the ridge an off-track descent between rocks and screes leads us to the path (*) that connects Cucuttos to Sedda ar Baccas (Sella delle Vacche) that we follow until a fork.
At another fork at an altitude of 750 m we follow the track that leads us briefly to S'Iscalone' and on Portellu a steep slope that descends carefully along a series of rocky passages overhanging the underlying plain.
At the end of the most challenging part we are close to the outlet downstream of the Grotta Donini (proposal on the program of the Alpine Guides) that we will visit briefly.
Now a very steep path between meadows and screes leads us to the bottom of the Codula Orbisi along which through a "lunar" path we reach Sa Giuntura, where the Flumineddu was thought until a few years ago to connect with the Riu Orbisi, Instead there flows a little further downstream the Riu Titone while the Riu Orbisi following a deeper path finally reaches the Su Gologone Source in the neighboring valley of Lanaitho.

Soon we reach Pischina Gorropu from where the gorge begins.
A chain and a metal cable allow you to get around the large pool of the pool and after a while to reach the real narrow, which gives access to the siphon of Gorropu, which leads into the spectacular gorge.
A short rope crossing and a very short descent give access to the siphon. You pass it using a chain that with aerial passages, on the upper edge of the siphon, leads us to a rope descent of about 8 m, from which you reach the bottom of the gorge.
Now overcoming some boulders and going up the rocky walls of the gorge you enter a suspended grove where we find an anchor for rope descent (15 m) that deposits us at the end of the great difficulties.
The path from here winds through more or less challenging passages to overcome the large boulders that dot the bottom of the gorge.
Once near the characteristic large red and overhanging wall of Punta Cucuttos bordered on the right by a huge calcified landslide, you can connect with the tourist route along which you reach the end of the canyon.
On this wall were "drawn" the climbing routes among the most famous and difficult in Sardinia.
All that remains now is to follow the marked and purely horizontal path that in about 1.30/2.00 hours leads us to the bridge of Sa Barva (S'Abba Arva), where we await the taxi for the return.

Route 2 - More than a complete route, it is a variant of Route 1.
Once you reach the official path after the off-track descent (see asterisk *) you go up briefly and head down along an impervious canal (Dorgheddie) projecting towards the valley below, which deposits us at a saddle from which to the south, there is an exposed and narrow ledge.
Following the ledge with mountaineering passages and exposed, you reach the end of S'Iscalone 'and Portellu from where you resume the Route 1. Hours 2.00

CODULA FUILI (dry canyoning)


Rope descents: no 5 - max. 22 meters

Difference in altitude:
route 1 - 100 m uphill (D+), 550 m downhill (D-)
path 2 - 360 m downhill (D-)

Required technical experience:
route 1 - hiker  
route 2 - hiker
Personal equipment: approach shoes or hiking boots (trekking), long and short pants, T-shirt, windbreaker (twenty), day backpack (max 20 liters), 2 liters of water, sunscreen, sunglasses.

Personal technical equipment:
Helmet, harness, headlamp, if in possession (to those without will be provided by the Mountain Guide).

Percorso 1
From Dorgali go up the old road that leads to the Etza Gallery, the obligatory passage before the construction of the current automobile tunnel. The signs of the wagons can still be seen on the rocky bottom of the path.
Now descend diagonally towards Monte Bonacoa and go back briefly to the saddle that makes it a border to the west.
From here on gravelly and open ground first and wooded then you reach the road to Buchi Arta, starting point of the
Route 2 that in this case can be reached by taxi service.
A few minutes of descent and deviate from the path taking the codula.
Walking and descending some steps you reach the first descent.
Here the first two short rope descents (18 m total) await us.
Still walking and going down some rocky steps you get to a cangia with large holm oak that allows you to perform the third rope descent (8 m).
Now the environment encloses us in a rocky casket and becomes more imposing.
A few meters and you are in front of the highest jump. A cable allows you to reach the terrace suspended on the void from where with 22 m you get to the bottom of a beautiful cave.
Some other passage on spools and you get to the last jump of 15 m.
Now a large boulder stuck blocks the road and to overcome it we can pass under it or go up and down it on the other side.
A jump of three meters obliges us to use a fixed rope and a Scala 'e fustes (ladder equipped with trunks) and immediately after another similar passage even if shorter, deposits us in the wood of oleanders.
The Codula now widens clearly and passing under the climbing walls we reach the Cala. A few meters up to the road and the taxi takes us back to Cala Gonone.

BADDE PENTUMAS (dry canyoning)


Rope descents: n laying 12 - max. 25 meters

Altitude difference: 500 m uphill (D+), 450 m downhill (D-)

Required technical experience:
experienced hiker with good fitness

Personal equipment: approach shoes or hiking boots (trekking), spare shoes, long and short pants, T-shirt, windbreaker (twenty), day backpack (max 20 liters), 2/3 liters of water, sunscreen, sunglasses.

Personal technical equipment:
Helmet, harness, headlamp, if in possession (to those without will be provided by the Mountain Guide).

Majestic and charming canyon with breathtaking views over the valley of Lanaitho.
Partially dry, it has shallow pools.
After the rains there are small waterfalls in the lower half.
Its route requires 13 descents, of which the longest of 25 meters, alternating with sections of gear.
Great environment.

Route - From the "Sa Oche" refuge at the bottom of the Lanaitho valley, take a path that goes around the cave of Sa Oche on the right and that, passing through 3 sheepfolds, reaches Piana di Ortini, an evident stony plateau.
From here continue south to reach the point where the gorge begins to form, which becomes progressively deeper and leads quickly to the first descent of 25 meters that gives access to our route.
12 abseils of various heights follow.
After the last descent you have to walk a quarter of an hour to the end of the gorge.
You reach another dry stream, near a dirt road that you follow and that leads with a gentle walk to the refuge "Sa Oche".


Minimum 4 and maximum 8 people,  450,00 € per person

Services included:

accompanying the Mountain Guide, RC insurance, accident insurance, recovery insurance, collective and individual materials (ropes, carabiners, helmet, harness, etc.).

Not included:

A/R transfer services and any other services not described in the previous section.

N.B.: accident insurance is a service offered exclusively to our customers!

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